National Voter Registration Day

National Voter Registration Day

Register to Vote.

Check your voter registration.

Gail Dudley

Read more from Gail Dudley

with Gail Dudley, The Audacious Advocate The Friday Rundown National Voter Registration Next Week! Next Week! Next Week! National Voter Registration Day is coming up—Tuesday, September 17, 2024! Let's turn this into a movement. Join me and thousands of volunteers across the nation as we work to register voters, have meaningful conversations about voting, and help people check their registration status. News in Motion will be broadcasting LIVE from Kennedy’s Kakes in downtown Columbus. After...

with Gail Dudley, The Audacious Advocate The Friday Rundown Gail Dudley EVERBLOOM it's unfolding... First week back at the desk of News in Motion and it was amazing! If you were unable to catch us live, be sure to check out the replays with Rev. Derrick Holmes of Union Grove Baptist Church and Davia Williams-Stevenson. Here are the links. We have a lot to cover, so be sure to scroll through for all the details. And remember, if a topic isn't for you, feel free to keep scrolling. As I...

with Gail Dudley, The Audacious Advocate Preparation Unsplash Empower. Encourage. Equip. Engage. Hello! It's been a while! I took a much-needed, extended break over the summer, but I'm back and ready to connect. This email is a quick update to share some exciting news, ask a few questions, and get you prepared for what's coming next. First, let me tell you, my time away was absolutely breathtaking. I took the opportunity to tour my city and discovered so much about central Ohio. I encourage...